Lesson 6
This lesson shows you how to make custom thumbnails for your creation. The pictures for this were originally part of Lesson 4, but you can find that link under the new Lesson 5.
This lesson also tells you how to make your project base game compatible. This information was added by WendyPan, so there are no pictures for this.
To make your thumbnails, take closeup screenshots of each variation of your project.
Use GIMP or some other photoediting program to crop and resize your pictures to 220px x 250px.
Note from WendyPan: If you need to make your project base game compatible, it is best to attach your thumbnails AFTER you have made it base game compatible.
Note from WendyPan: If you need to make your project base game compatible, it is best to attach your thumbnails AFTER you have made it base game compatible.
Open your project in the Workshop. Under the "Projects" tab, click on "Extras." It is near the bottom. The third line is "Launcher thumbnail." Click on the empty box in that line. Click on the three dots to the right, and then browse for your thumbnail. I usually use the first variation of the project as the launcher thumbnail. Once you find your thumbnail, click on it. Click "Open" and then your thumbnail will be attached.